The Irish government has confirmed four banks and two building societies will be protected by its bank guarantee scheme safeguarding offshore savers in the Isle of Man.
Irish Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan signed the order on Friday night after the six lenders agreed to be in the scheme, which will protected 100% of depositors’ savings. The guarantee makes the protected Irish banks more attractive than other Isle of Man deposit takers, who are only covered for the first £50,000 by the Manx Depositors Compensation Scheme. ‘The guarantee has as its central objective the removal of any uncertainty on the part of counterparties and customers and gives absolute comfort to depositors and investors that they have the full protection of the state,’ said Lenihan. The four Irish banks with Isle of Man branches protected by the scheme are:
- Anglo Irish Bank Isle of Man
Bank of Ireland Offshore
Irish Permanent International
Irish Nationwide Isle of Man
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